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Insta360 Go 2 Rubber Mount

A generic mount for the Insta 360 Go 2 made from a thin piece of rubber. This style of mount can be used on any drone, as it is held in place by the battery and battery strap. A good option if you want to often swap the camera from one drone to another without having a mount on each drone.

TinyHawk 2 Freestyle Battery Mount Rubber

The TinyHawk doesn’t come with any battery mount rubber, so it’s best to make your own. Any commercial solution such as cutting as piece of Ummagawd battery rubber is fine but ends up adding to the weight considerably. This battery foam rubber mount is thick and light-weight.

TinyHawk 2 Freestyle Battery Plug Mount

A battery connector which is hard mounted to the frame in this way makes for easier plugging and unplugging, as well as keeping the battery leads out of the way of the props. This battery plug mount is attached to the top plate and secured by the rear stand-offs.