Guides for setting up Betaflight as well as othe rflight software. These guides are often paired with YouTube tutorial videos to help you get your build up and flying fast.
My process for finalising setup on Cinematic drones. In this section we look at causes and solutions to jello, altitude hold and tracking.
BetaFlight 4.2 Setup Checklist
A quick guide to configuring BetaFlight 4.2 settings on your new scratch build. Although 4.2 is very much outdated now, I’m keeping this here for posterity and as a reference in case it may be useful to someone. You can use the dropdowns to see a more detailed explanation and instructional videos. There’s also a checklist for to make sure you don’t skip anything in the setup process.
BLHeli32 Bit Settings for BetaFlight 4.2
My preferred BetaFlight settings for 32 bit BLHeli ESC setup. Note that this guide is for older versions of Betaflight (Example BF 4.2). Procedure for the ESC settings when setting up a new quad which has BLHeli_32 ESC Firmware, or for when ESCs with BLHeliS firmware have been upgraded to 32 bit Firmware.